If this is a terrorists attack I'm sure there were Muslim in the crowd, these people
don't care who they kill..They are mad dogs and need to be put down.
crowds celebrating bastille day in nice, france have been targeted by a terrorist driving a truck.. initial reports of 60 dead and 100 injured.. i am losing track of how many similar attacks there have been in europe in recently..
If this is a terrorists attack I'm sure there were Muslim in the crowd, these people
don't care who they kill..They are mad dogs and need to be put down.
on a road trip with my jw dad and stopped at the rest stop.
this jw lady walked up to me with a craptower.
big mistake.
A great idea, print a few pamphlets heading " WT Historian" and give it to the Cart
workers... LOL
this was a very painful article to read, and i can only imagine that after this years convention - people will be even more emboldened to cut off friends and family.. http://www.patheos.com/blogs/friendlyatheist/2016/07/03/many-ex-jehovahs-witnesses-have-received-texts-from-loved-ones-ending-their-relationships-forever/?utm_source=silverpopmailing&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=atheist%20071316%20(1)&utm_content=&spmailingid=51830798&spuserid=mty4mdi2oty3odkws0&spjobid=961945281&spreportid=otyxotq1mjgxs0.
I wonder what is going on with my JW daughters. My topic a few weeks ago
"after 15-20 years my daughter called" she and my new son-in law, my granddaughters,
my other JW daughter and family (she never cut me off) came for a visit. My JW elder brother
encouraged her( the daughter I haven't seen in 15-20 years) to come and see me.
Maybe they didn't get the memo..
My none JW family members ask me have I talk to my daughter since the visit. I'am
hope she don't go back into her JW mode, new light I must cut you off again.
That's why I haven't called her. The emotional roller coaster is to much..
Man, I hate that cult.
jws have one of the worst, if not the worst, retention rates among their kids.
i've seen numbers from 65% to 88% who leave, never to return.. you'd think this would be a priority amongst the leadership, right?
where do tomorrow's leaders come from, if the vast majority of kids leave the organization?
Young person on their way to the beach or mountains for the day and pass
a cart worker or someone knocking at your door on a beautiful Saturday morning
offering the WT and they think, oh boy that's what I desire to spend the day handing
out WT. My poor kids, knocking on their classmates doors while their classmates are
heading to a football game , beach, mountains on a lovely day.
We laugh about it today, how embarrassing for them......
was talking to a good buddy of mine a couple days ago (we pioneered and were in bethel together and have both left the cult a few years ago), about the current cart and d. and the consensus was that it is now a complete joke.
was watching a couple witnesses last week sit at a table with their literature display.
no approaching people for conversation, no initiating stimulating dialogue with passerbys, as was encouraged when i "pioneered" back in the day.
"You think the average JW knew nothing before", maybe they are the ones approved
by the service committee to sit aimlessly for hours. I wonder what are the qualification to
sit and do nothing.
was talking to a good buddy of mine a couple days ago (we pioneered and were in bethel together and have both left the cult a few years ago), about the current cart and d. and the consensus was that it is now a complete joke.
was watching a couple witnesses last week sit at a table with their literature display.
no approaching people for conversation, no initiating stimulating dialogue with passerbys, as was encouraged when i "pioneered" back in the day.
The door to door work was great for exercising the cart work not so good for the body.
I hated the door to door walk but if I was still a JW I would love the cart work , count
your hours and never speak to anyone.LOL
shouldn't they say thanks for" holding down the fort" until we take over?.
Jehovah: I be damn, they are trying to unite down there I can't have that. Where is Satan, call
him and tell him I have a assignment for him..I will bring peace on earth when I say so. This
UN thing will not take any credit in peace on earth, not in my life time.
I would hate to sit down in a game of poker with God and he deals the cards....
i know there was a crazy false urban legend years ago about jeopardy saying the nwt was the most accurate bible, but on tonights episode they really were mentioned.
the clue went something like 'this religion was started by charles taze russell and publishes the watchtower'.
a player buzzed in a she said 'who are the jehovah's witnesses'.
I was told that Adam was the first JW, but he was DF and when I say he was DF I mean
he was DF. The poor guy was kicked out of his home. Hell Moses was a JW long
before Russell, that's what I was told.....
i know there was a crazy false urban legend years ago about jeopardy saying the nwt was the most accurate bible, but on tonights episode they really were mentioned.
the clue went something like 'this religion was started by charles taze russell and publishes the watchtower'.
a player buzzed in a she said 'who are the jehovah's witnesses'.
My answer, "Adam".
flood 2304 bc (http://creation.com/the-date-of-noahs-flood).
neolithic 8500-1500 bc (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/list_of_neolithic_cultures_of_china).
egyption dynasty 4 2613 to 2494 bc, dynasty 5: 2494 to 2345 bc, dynasty 6: 2345 - 2181 bc (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/list_of_ancient_egyptian_dynasties).
Saename, that sounds good to me. That's the fun part about some of the accounts in the Bible,
nothing is clear cut.